Crowds descend on park for a fright
Saturday, 31st October 2009.

There was a bumper attendance this year to the annual event sponsored by Haverhill Town Council, with crowds queueing four and five deep out of the park, through the car park and all along Coupals Road back to the Chalkstone Way roundabout at one stage.
Among them were large numbers of small witches, ghouls, skeletons and monsters as families had been encouraged to dress up.
However, the party atmosphere soon changed as crowds followed the scary trail through the park, and by the end, having passed a graveyard, a dinosaur, a medieval leper colony and some giant bats, many children showed they had enjoyed some serious frightening.
The trail was created by 20 members of the Bristol-bnased Invisible Circus, and finished with a eye-catching display by a fire-breathing skeleton horse, ridden by two children.
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