Crime levels “are being kept under control”
By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 11th October 2001.

Inspector Bacon told the town council there had been an 11 per cent reduction in crime last year compared to the previous year.
Although there had not been a further significant reduction this year, crime had remained at the same low level, he said
Of the crime reported, 33 per cent had been detected, the seconds highest figure in Suffolk, House burglaries were down by a third, and many of those committed were opportunist were doors and windows were left open.
Inspector Bacon urged the public not to be complacent and to help the police by ringing them with information, or calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
He reassured the public the town’s police station was manned 24 hours a day, even when the reception desk was not open to the public.
Inspector Bacon also agreed to look into the problem of vehicles parking on the pavement in Queen Street and High Street.
In response to a question by Coun Mabon Dane, Inspector Bacon said police did have the power to confiscate laser pens if they were being misused.
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