Crackdown on fly-tipping announced
Thursday, 28th January 2010.

St Edmundsbury Council is sending out a clear message to all householders that they may face prosecution if they use rogue waste traders to dispose of their rubbish, instead of legitimate waste contractors or services provided by the council.
The reminder that everyone has a duty of care to ensure that their waste is disposed of in a responsible manner follows the sentencing of Graham Sydney-Smith of North Avenue, Haverhill, by Bury magistrates on Thursday, January 14.
Sydney-Smith was given a conditional discharge for 12 months and ordered to pay a contribution of £400 towards the council’s costs following the discovery of evidence relating to him in waste which he had paid an unknown man in a van to clear from his property in March 2009.
The maximum fine under section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 is £5,000 on summary conviction.
The Waste (Household Waste) Duty of Care Regulations 2005 were introduced to help to reduce the illegal disposal of waste, (better known as fly-tipping) and require all householders to take reasonable measures to ensure that household waste produced on their property is passed on to an authorised person.
This is a person who is a registered waste carrier, details of which can be obtained from the Environment Agency on 08708 506506 or
Cllr Peter Stevens, chair of the council's joint waste committee said: “Householders need to protect themselves from exploitation by rogue traders.
"They need to see up-to-date certification and to be doubly sure, make a note of where the waste is being taken, by whom, and the registration number of the vehicle being used, just in case it ends up dumped.
"If in doubt, do not hand the waste over. Carriers can be quickly authenticated on the Environment Agency web site or by calling the Waste Management helpdesk on 01284 757032."
* Our picture shows the dumped waste at Hundon which led to the latest prosecution.
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