Council Leaders Form Alliance on Suffolk Boundaries Issue
Tuesday, 2nd September 2008.

The Leaders of Forest Heath District Council, St Edmundsbury Borough Council and Waveney District Council have all agreed to send in a joint proposal to the Boundary Committee for England, which is reviewing the shape of local government in Suffolk. This would set out a solution which improves on the draft proposals put forward in July by the Committee for a unitary covering Ipswich and Felixstowe ('North Haven') and another ('rural Suffolk') covering the rest of the county, except for Lowestoft which would be pushed into Norfolk.
The three Leaders agree that North Haven can work as a concept but want to improve the Boundary Committee's proposal for a 'rural Suffolk'. In a joint statement, Cllr Geoffrey Jaggard (Leader, Forest Heath), Cllr John Griffiths (Leader, St Edmundsbury) and Cllr Mark Bee (Leader, Waveney), said:
"We understand the thinking behind the Boundary Committee's proposals, but believe we can improve it further by bringing Lowestoft back into Suffolk where it would be a strategic part of an East Suffolk unitary, working alongside West Suffolk and North Haven. We know there is tremendous support for this concept among people across the whole county."
The three unitary councils would to be big enough to work strategically and have a strong voice at regional, national and international levels either as individuals focused on issues unique to their areas or collectively when the issues concerned all of Suffolk. But, unlike giant unitaries covering massive areas, they would also be connected with their local communities and able to invest resources where they are needed most.
The three leaders commented:
"We don't want 'big government' trying to take over our towns and villages that's simply not the Suffolk way. Vital services such as schools, libraries, road maintenance and bin collections are at stake and we urge the Boundary Committee to consider our proposal which would keep us local and keep us in touch with our local people while also being much more accountable to them. We hope the Boundary Committee will understand we are keen to cut costs and save Council Tax payers' money whilst promoting community engagement and local democracy but we believe this can all be achieved much more efficiently through three unitaries focused on our own unique areas."
The proposal being drafted now will set out new evidence about why East and West Suffolk unitaries make sense alongside North Haven.
Cllr Geoffrey Jaggard, Forest Heath District Council Leader: "We have always argued for local people making local decisions. Most people are happy with arrangements as they are. However, it is our view that if we have to go down the unitary route then the West Suffolk authority would be the best possible solution.Our residents dont want important decisions affecting their community being made by people who live miles away who have no knowledge of local issues. They want local democracy and service delivery. We feel that the proposal which we are putting forward to the Boundary Committee will enable the different issues and identities affecting residents in both the East and West areas of the county to be best served.
Cllr John Griffiths, St Edmundsbury Borough Council Leader: "Throughout our consultation people keep telling us they want local government to be about local issues. They don't want decisions which affect their everyday lives being taken by huge organisations based miles away and with limited knowledge of local concerns, priorities and needs. Community groups, businesses, parish and town councils as well as individuals have all told us they believe West Suffolk works at both strategic and local levels."
Cllr Mark Bee, Waveney District Council Leader: If unitary government is a path we must follow there is no question that this is the best way. Strategically powerful, but locally accountable, an East Suffolk unitary working closely with our friends in the west and in North Haven would secure the highest standard of service provision for our residents. This is local decision making for local residents and we must convince this Government that we know better than anyone what it takes to deliver the services that matter to the people who need them.
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