Council elects mayor and new leader
Thursday, 23rd May 2002.

Robert Clifton-Brown, who represents Withersfield, near Haverhill, was formally elected mayor last week at the traditional mayor-making ceremony.
For the first time in the council’s history, a new leader was chosen by the full council after the ceremony, with Labour councillor Ray Nowak the successful candidate.
Coun Nowak was elected by 22 votes to 21, defeating Conservative candidate John
A Griffiths.
The council will now be led by a coalition of Labour, Liberal Democrat, Independent and Independent Conservative groups.
Previously, St Edmundsbury had been led by the Conservative group, but former leader Derek Redhead resigned after being told a “younger and prettier face” was needed.
Under its new structure the leader has cabinet members responsible for different portfolios.
Coun Nowak will be responsible for Civic Value with Coun Gerry Kiernan (Lab) from
Haverhill responsible for Resources, Derek Redhead (Ind Cons) for External Relations,
Mike Ames (md) Development, Sheila Wormleighton (Lab) Community, Mark
Ereira-Guyer (Lab) Culture, Peter Dulieu, (Lib Dem) Environment, Jeff Stevens (Cons)
50, Overview and Scrutiny, Mike Jones (Cons) Policy Development.
CAPTION: Left - New Mayor ... Robert Clifton-Brown. Right - New Leader ... Coun Ray Nowak
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