Consultation launched on prestige research park
Thursday, 27th January 2011.

Developers Carisbrooke have put together a masterplan for their proposed research park at Hanchet End and are asking for public feedback on their ideas prior to submitting a planning application if the council agrees.
The exhibitions shows how higher value developments such as housing would be included along with offices and prestige commercial developments along the frontage of the 30-acre sloping site.
Nic Rumsey of Carisbrooke said the scheme would create a gateway to the town, and he hoped it could be implemented in 2012.
He recently told councillors at a Haverhill Area Working Party meeting that it would be an £8million investment in the town.
At today's launch of the consultation exhibition at Days Inn hotel, Mr Rumsey said it could improve the town's image.
"If there is a perception of the nature of operations and employment in Haverhill - ie industrial - if you see buildings similar to prestige Cambridge sites, it could change your perception of the town," he said.
"I want to creat a business/science park environment comparable to, or better than, any in Cambridge."
He admitted the market was untested this far down the A1307, but suggested if rent was £19 per sq ft at Granta Park in Abington, Haverhillmight be able to offer £15 per sq ft, which was a lot higher than the current level in the town, but still low for the region.
The current economic climate might set the implementation schedule back a little, but it might also be possible to use the recdession to their advantage.
Building companies were looking for work and construction costs were as cheap as they were likely to get.
But first Carisbrooke needs St Edmundsbury Borough Council to agree to its masterplan, which is far more specific about the higher-value development element on the site than the council's own concept statement.
Mr Rumsey said he thought councillors and officers were keen to see the research park created for the benefit of Haverhill, but there was a process to be followed and part of it was to get public agreement.
The exhibition continues at Days Inn until February 4.
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