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College Looks To Future With Bright New Image

By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 8th September 2005.

Smartly badged blazers worn by pupils herald a new era at a Haverhill College which re-opened this week as a specialist business and enterprise college.

Year 9 pupils starting at Castle Manor Business and Enterprise College are also wearing matching ties, with a choice of skirts or trousers for the girls and seem happy with their now attire.

Specialist status means significant extra funding from the Government for Castle Manor.

A new £300,000 personalised learning centre has also been unveiled. It has 60 work stations with flat-screen computers for personal study and a "learning portal" for on-line learning so that work can be set and marked on-line.

Sarah Wilcock is the manager of the new centre, having previously worked in Cambridgeshire library services.

Castle Manor head teacher Madeleine Vigar, who has instigated great changes in the two years she has been at the college, said the new uniform was part of its new business style ethos.

She said, "I feel really proud of them in the new uniform and they take pride in themselves. A lot of people thought they would not want to wear a uniform but they love it.

The new centre will be the hub of learning in the school. When we were deciding on what to do with this building which has got very old and dilapidated, we felt this would have the greatest impact on the greatest number of students.

Castle Manor will provide a 21st Century education, helping students to take control of their own learning."

Castle Manor is one of only eight business and enterprise colleges in the country which are sponsored by the Co-operative Group.

Its next project will be to create a business conference centre, running courses to support local businesses.

Pupils Adam Hunt and Danielle Humphries both approved of the new uniform.

"I think it's really nice, neat and tidy and smart. My parents thought it was a good idea." Adam said.

Danielle said: "I think it is nice to go with the business college status, it makes us look nice and smart. In a few years everyone will be wearing it and it gives the school a good image."

Haverhill Weekly News

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