Classic cadillac set to rally round
Thursday, 25th May 2000.

The luxury 1930s-style Courier Cadillac, which is known to many as "The Haverhill Car" after it was custom-built by no fewer than 18 of the town's firm, now bears the town's web address over its spare wheel.
The car, which is the only one of its kind in the world, is owned by a syndicate of enthusiasts who allow it to be used to boost Haverhill's profile.
The owners agreed to print the town's web address on the car after website creator Jason Fitzpatrick featured the car and business promotion group Haverhill Enterprise 2000 on the internet.
Bosses at AXA Insurance, sponsors of the AXA Classic Car Rally and long-time supporters of Haverhill Enterprise 2000, also agreed to let the extraordinary car take parts in the rally for free.
Haverhill Enterprise 2000 member Rob Maidment, who will be driving the car on Sunday, said:"I get
great satisfaction out of flying the flag for Haverhill- the town deserves to be represented in this way.
"It's a great town, and this remarkable car is a testament to the expertise of its people".
Picture : Flying the flag...Rob Maidment, Haverhill Enterprise 2000 member with Andval Shipp, site services manager for AXA.
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