Cinema catches up on the 3D experience
Tuesday, 20th April 2010.

From Friday, April 30, to Thursday, May 6, cinemagoers in Haverhill will be able to enjoy the biggest 3D releases from 2010 in the town's Cineworld cinema.
To celebrate the arrival of 3D enabled digital projectors in the cinema's two largest screens, three of the biggest 3D releases of this year will be shown in a week-long ‘3D catch up’ festival.
The films being shown are Alice In Wonderland 3D, How To Train Your Dragon 3D and Clash Of The Titans 3D.
Tickets go on sale today (Tuesday) at the cinema box office or via the website
Alternatively customers can call to book tickets on 0871 200 2000. 3D tickets carry an uplift price at the box office of £2.10 per adult ticket, £1.50 for all other admission prices.
3D glasses cost 80p per pair, and can be re-used at subsequent 3D screenings at any Cineworld location.
Friday also marks the release date of the sequel to the 2008 smash Iron Man. Nathan Smith, Haverhill cinema operations manager, said: “It is wonderful timing that we will have our digital projectors installed in time for the arrival of Iron Man 2.
"The film will be the first to be shown in crystal clear digital format at Cineworld Haverhill, and we look forward to showing off the newest state-of-the-art technology.
"It will be a tough customer choice, Iron Man 2 in traditional two dimensions, or one of our 3D choices.”
In preparation for the arrival of digital and 3D, Cineworld will be hosting a fun day in the market square this Saturday, with competitions and giveaways, including many pairs of 3D glasses to be won.
The fun begins at 11.30am, with Iron Man himself expected to make an appearance.
Dominika Pawlowska, operations manager at Haverhill, said: “It is a great opportunity for people who haven’t been able to travel to see the 3D films in other cinemas, to come to have a catch up and enjoy a spectacular 3D release in their own cinema.
"And with at least ten more 3D releases in 2010 to look forward to, it is a great time to have the new technology.”
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