Christmas Comes to Haverhill
Sunday, 26th November 2006.

The switch was thrown following a concert of carols in the Market Square, performed by young people from Place Farm Primary School, Castle Hill Middle School and Castle Manor Upper School. St Nicholas Hospice organised the carol service as part of their ‘Light up a Life’ appeal, run every Christmas with similar services occurring throughout West Suffolk.
The Mayor expressed her thanks to all those who had worked so hard, especially on the previous night, to ensure the evening would be a success. She also thanked Haverhill Town Council, St Edmundsbury Borough Council and Suffolk County Council for funding the event.
There was a moment of breath-taking anticipation from the watching spectators before the illuminations suddenly flooded the Market Square and beyond with dazzling brilliance.
Haverhill's Christmas lights add real sparkle and atmosphere to the town centre, providing a warm welcome for visitors and a glittering backdrop to community celebrations.
This year's enhanced display is largely due to the efforts and funding of Haverhill Town Council.
Saturday's event heralded the start of ‘Winter in Haverhill 2006’, a programme of events organised by Haverhill Town Council for the festive season. The first of these will be Family Christmas Night on the 8th December.
© Gold PR in association with Haverhill-UK
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