Children help squeeze out the illegal motor-bikers
Wednesday, 30th March 2011.

Work has begun on a project to improve the safety of the open space at Puddlebrook, thanks to a £4,950 grant from the West Suffolk Community Safety Partnership and support from St Edmundsbury Borough Council.
The illegal riding of motorcycles in and around Puddlebrook playing fields has been a continuing problem and has caused the death of one young man in the area.
The issue will be further exacerbated by the increase the people using the area for the new Clements Primary School, recently built on a section of the playing fields.
The council has worked with police to deter this unwanted access to the site and publicise the consequences of illegal use.
Knee-high metal railings and squeeze barriers are being installed and pupils from Clements School are helping with the planting of thorn hedging.
The cost of the materials is being met with a grant from the West Suffolk Community Safety Partnership and St Edmundsbury’s parks service is providing the maintenance and monitoring.
The police continue to publicise the campaign to confiscate and crush illegally used motorbikes.
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