Chance for Haverhill to hit the big screen
Monday, 9th November 2009.

Made in Haverhill: The Cineworld CB9 Youth Film Initiative 2010 is open to 13 to 19-year-olds, (either individuals or in groups) to make a film about their town, with an opportunity to win prizes and have it shown on the big screen.
The top prize is a year’s season ticket for Cineworld Haverhill, which is sponsoring the initiative with the assistance of the Media Hub at Haverhill Arts Centre and support from Haverhill Town Centre Management and The Design Office.
Entrants have a broad canvas to create on. The content of the films can be anything that inspires the film-makers, the only stipulation being that Haverhill is a key theme in the project – be it a person, place, activity or event that is synonymous with Haverhill.
Other guidance requires that entries last no longer than three minutes, be suitable for a family audience and be submitted on a DVD format.
The competition closes on February 12, 2010. Entries will be judged by a specially selected committee, and ten short-listed films will be screened at a red carpet event at Cineworld Haverhill on February 28.
Paul Willden, general manager of Haverhill Cineworld said: “Haverhill has a surprisingly large proportion of young people, brimming with talent and with plenty to say about where they live. The theme of this inaugural event can be realised in a multitude of styles for example comedy, science fiction, music, poetry, an advertisement, a documentary, or a story. I am confident that we will see some amazing entries."
Michelle Brace of CB9 Media Hub, based at Haverhill Arts Centre and funded by Haverhill Town Council, said: “Young people can take part regardless of experience. Full guidance notes will be published and there will be workshops to show them how. The films can be made on any kind of camera, including mobile phones, and sent in on DVD."
Cllr Lynsey Alexander, St Edmundsbury Council cabinet member for culture and sport said:
“I would encourage anyone who thinks this may be interesting to get involved. It is an opportunity to be seen and heard, and to get invaluable experience in working on a complex project.
"You don’t have to have a big idea. If you want to act, or shoot the film, you will be invaluable to groups that do. Full details of all the support available are on the website."
Entries should be handed in to the duty manager at Cineworld, Haverhill, where they will be put in the film safe until judging. Only copies on DVD should be submitted as entries cannot be returned. If sent by post, people are encouraged to send by registered post.
Information about the competition will be widely available in the CB9 area, or for more details visit
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