Chair-based exercise classes bid to prevent falls among elderly
Tuesday, 21st June 2011.

The classes for older people and those with mobility issues are taking place at Havebury’s sheltered housing schemes across Bury St Edmunds, Haverhill and surrounding villages.
The Haverhill ones are at Westbourne Court, Millfield Way, on Fridays, with Pat Spring, ring 01440 763866 to book.
Havebury chief executive Karen Mayhew said: “The classes feature simple, gentle techniques which improve flexibility, circulation and movement, as well as enhancing fitness. The classes have been a huge hit with participants reporting improved mobility and fitness levels as well as increased confidence.”
June 20 to 24 is Age UK’s Falls Awareness Week and Mrs Mayhew joined residents in Bury St Edmunds on Monday to try out the classes for herself.
She said: “It is vital we do as much as we can to prevent the likelihood of people having falls, as the physical and emotional consequences can be very damaging.
"All too often, falls are seen as an inevitable stage of the aging process, but this is does not have to be the case. These classes are an important step forward in helping to prevent falls and the misery they can bring.”
The exercise classes are open to Havebury residents for free and members of the public for a nominal charge.
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