Castle Manor college among top 200 most improved again
Tuesday, 19th January 2010.

In national league tables published this week the Haverhill College has demonstrated its students have made outstanding progress over the last three years.
The number of students achieving five GCSE A*-C grades is significantly above national averages for the second year running.
A feature of Castle Manor college is its vision for all-through learning. This takes account of students’ previous learning and ensures that they are prepared for the next phase of education, securing success for children and young people of all abilities.
Since September 2008 the college has been working in formal partnership with Castle Hill Community Middle School. Principal, Madeleine Vigar, heads up both schools in order to secure a joined-up approach to learning.
In February 2008, when the partnership was still at an informal stage, Ofsted inspectors praised this arrangement, stating that it worked “effectively to the benefit of students and the community it serves”.
The Castle Partnership has also formed links with feeder primary schools through projects such as the Olympic-themed Gifted And Talented programme for year four pupils.
This takes place at Castle Hill on one morning every week led by Castle Hill teacher, Scott Reynolds, who is an ex-Castle Manor student.
Ms Vigar, said: “Pride and success is at the core of our partnership for learning. Our vision is to be a centre of excellence.
"We are committed to all-through education, firmly believing that a love of learning should be nurtured from a very young age and that the traditional phases of education should be integrated to secure continuity, progression and high standards."
* Our picture shows Castle Manor students celebrating their exam successes and, inset, head teacher Madeleine Vigar.
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