Cash Gift in Ian's Honour
Thursday, 18th September 2003.

A cheque for £1,500 was handed over at the hospice in memory of Ian Rogerson of Glemford Place, Haverhill, who lost his brave battle against a rare form of cancer.
Gerry Taylor, last year's Round Table president, and community service officer Ainsley Bousfield handed over the cash to Robin Sharp, local fundraising officer for the hospice.
Mr Taylor said: "During my year as chairman, Round Table agreed to pay for Ian and his family to have a fun holiday at Euro-Disney but unfortunately he took a turn for the worse and the trip was cancelled.
"In memory of the young lad, Round Table agreed to donate this money to the Milton hospice which cared for him and his family at the end."
Mr Sharp accepted the donation and thanked Round Table for its generosity. He said the seven-bed hospice had cared for about 100 children in the past year. Anyone interested in joining Round Table should contact Andy Howard on (07785)548133
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