Carly is the top swimmer
Thursday, 13th May 1999.

The 12-year-old swimmer was named as top girl after winning three gold medals and two silvers, achieving national qualifying times (NOT) in three events and setting a championship record.
Her 11-12 years record came in the lOOm butterfly, where she again ducked under the NOT as she won the race in 1 mm 13.62 sec.
Her other national qualifiers came in the 200m individual medley (2:41.02), which she won, and the l00m backstroke (1:13.87), where she was second to team-mate Dawn Jason(1:08.73).
The other gold came in the 100m breaststroke (1:27.48), with the second silver gained in the 100m freestyle (1:06.75), again behind Jason (1:03.82).
Samantha Neal was also on the medal trail for the home club, winning the 13-14 years 100m butterfly (1:11.65) and 100m backstroke (1:07.62), finishing second in the 200m individual medley (2:36.74) and third in the open 100m backstroke (1.08.61).
There was a gold-bronze double for Kitty Craig, who won the 15-16 years 100m breaststroke (1:17.48) and was third in the 200m individual medley (2:35.84).
Jason Procto won gold and silver, powering home in the men’s 100m backstroke (1:00.50) and finishing runner-up in the 100m butterfly
The other Hurricanes winner was Neil Grayton, who took the men’s 200m individual medley gold.
Other Haverhill medalists :
Silver: A Bircher, men’s 200m individual medley (2:14.78); J Hilson,. women’s 400m individual medley (5:20.55); D Pilbrow. men’s 100m breaststroke (1:10.04).
Bronze: Hilson, women’s 200m individual medley (2:32.47); I Craig, 11-12 years 100m backstroke (1:15.13); S Morton, 11-12 years 100m butterfly (1:19.41); A Jason, me’s 100m breaststroke (1:11.38).
Picture : Dawn Jason (left) won gold and team mate Carly Edwards took silver in the 100m freestyle.
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