Bus station set to get its clock back
Friday, 30th August 2013.
Haverhill bus station may soon get its clock back, even though the promised real time passenger information boards to go with it have been shelved.
The Jubilee Walk clock, erected in memory of former town clerk Bill Blake, was taken down when the area was refurbished, and was due to be replaced with a clock linked to RTPI which was scheduled to be put in place in Haverhill when the bus station was refurbished.
That never happened due to cutbacks, but Cllr Gordon Cox has since fought a long battle to get the clock replaced.
Haverhill Area Working Party meeting yesterday was asked by Cllr Anne Gower to request the borough to provide the clock.
It was a bus station, she said, and it needed a clock. When the working party chairman and council officers said they would have to look into the matter and bring a report to the next meeting, town clerk Will Austin volunteered that Haverhill Town Council would install a clock in the bus station.
*Council officers are to follow up criticism of the state of Queen Street by working party member Cllr Paul McManus.
He spoke of bollards flattened by lorries and litter and oil on the pavement from the takeaway shops, and described the state of the street as 'a disgrace'.
Council officers will look into getting an agreement from takeaways to clear litter associated with their business, as was agreed at the other end of the town with Benny's.
* New town signs have not yet had the flower displays provided by Haverhill in Bloom moved from their old sitings to be placed in front of them.
Cllr Tim Marks told the working party the council had undertaken to remove and reinstate the flower beds and take down the old signs.
No flower beds had been moved and one old sign remains standing out on the Sainsbury's roundabout.
He was told this was because a border change meant the sign was now no longer in the St Edmundsbury district.
Oficers agreed to look into what had been undertaken with regard to the flower beds.
The Jubilee Walk clock, erected in memory of former town clerk Bill Blake, was taken down when the area was refurbished, and was due to be replaced with a clock linked to RTPI which was scheduled to be put in place in Haverhill when the bus station was refurbished.
That never happened due to cutbacks, but Cllr Gordon Cox has since fought a long battle to get the clock replaced.
Haverhill Area Working Party meeting yesterday was asked by Cllr Anne Gower to request the borough to provide the clock.
It was a bus station, she said, and it needed a clock. When the working party chairman and council officers said they would have to look into the matter and bring a report to the next meeting, town clerk Will Austin volunteered that Haverhill Town Council would install a clock in the bus station.
*Council officers are to follow up criticism of the state of Queen Street by working party member Cllr Paul McManus.
He spoke of bollards flattened by lorries and litter and oil on the pavement from the takeaway shops, and described the state of the street as 'a disgrace'.
Council officers will look into getting an agreement from takeaways to clear litter associated with their business, as was agreed at the other end of the town with Benny's.
* New town signs have not yet had the flower displays provided by Haverhill in Bloom moved from their old sitings to be placed in front of them.
Cllr Tim Marks told the working party the council had undertaken to remove and reinstate the flower beds and take down the old signs.
No flower beds had been moved and one old sign remains standing out on the Sainsbury's roundabout.
He was told this was because a border change meant the sign was now no longer in the St Edmundsbury district.
Oficers agreed to look into what had been undertaken with regard to the flower beds.
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