BurySound 2007 Celebrates Tenth Year
Friday, 6th July 2007.

Young bands who have at least one member living in St Edmundsbury, and with a majority of the band under 23, are welcome to apply for the competition. Applications close on July 27 at 5pm.
Two heats are scheduled for 5 and 19 October . The final of BurySOUND 2007 will take place on 2 November at the Corn Exchange in Bury St Edmunds.
Last year saw a capacity crowd and people queuing for tickets. The winners, based on a popular vote plus a judges’ vote, receive £500 of equipment, recording sessions at West Suffolk College, 500 CDs duplication as well crowd adulation and the possibility of a gig in FOPP records in Cornhill Walk, Bury St Edmunds.
This band competition gives eight up-and-coming St Edmundsbury-based bands the opportunity to play in a prestigious venue with professional set-up and gain valuable performance experience and kudos. Even though the event has an overall winner, the aim of the competition is to develop the talent of musically-talented young people within St Edmundsbury. To say nothing of the enthusiastic and dedicated attitude of the crowds which are attracted to the competition.
BurySOUND 2007 is an alcohol, drug and smoke free event.
Application packs containing more information are available from Soundsplus, Risbygate Street; FOPP records, Cornhill Walk; The Rehearsal Rooms, St Andrews Street; Bury St Edmunds Bus Station, Tourist Information and www.stedmundsbury.gov.uk. Or call Simon Pickering on 01284 757077
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