Boy learns about security marking the hard way
Monday, 30th July 2012.

Kieran Thomas, of Westward Deals, was riding his Slam Rage stunt scooter around the nearby green on the afternoon of Tuesday, July 3, having saved up for it with his own money.
He left it in a nearby bush when he went to play football with his friends. When he returned about half-an-hour later, it was gone.
He said: “I’m very upset as I’d saved up for it myself. I’ve learned that it’s important to look after your stuff and that I’ll have to be more careful.
“I’ve got a security marking pen from the police now and I think everyone should get their things security marked in case this happens to them.”
You can contact your local Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) on 101 and talk to them about getting your bike, scooter or skateboard security marked. You can then register your property on
Security marking can help police reunite you with your lost property if it is recovered.
Police are appealing for information about the theft of Kieran's scooter, which had a black deck, red wheels and green handlebars.
Calls with information can be made to PC Daniel Aston, quoting crime number HH/12/1438 on 101, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
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