Blight of Bogus Callers in Suffolk
Monday, 4th June 2007.

Richard recently put down a Parliamentary Question to the Home Secretary asking bogus caller incidents in Suffolk. The reply stated that the number of recorded incidents of distraction burglary in the county rose from 94 in 2003/04 to 112 in 2005/06.
Richard said:
“Bogus caller incidents are very distressing for the victims, especially the elderly, who are often tricked into letting people posing as council tax inspectors or electricity meter readers into their home who then proceed to rob them. There are also incidents of people being significantly overcharged for simple domestic tasks in their homes and gardens.
I would therefore urge everyone to be particularly vigilant to people knocking on their door offering services. If you are suspicious do not let them in. Suffolk Constabulary have provided an excellent guide on their website [link below]to protect people from bogus callers.
If we are all vigilant and take these precautionary measures, hopefully we can reduce the numbers of bogus callers in Suffolk.”
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