Birth of a New Age
By Anna Wright on Saturday, 6th January 2001.

David is a foreman at a car bodyshop, and Denise works two nights a week at a local supermarket.
DENISE SAYS: it was really strange to be travelling along
deserted roads as everyone else was celebrating. I decided to go into hospital just after midnight, and we saw all the lights and lasers as we drove out of town. We arrived, went through the front door and
into reception, and there was no one there. It was dark and very quiet. The nurses all had party hats on and were eating sausage rolls in their room, but all I could hear in the room next door to me was somebody screamingl
The labour was very quick, and the nurse wasn't even in the room when I had Finlay. I didn't know in advance I was having another boy, and I did really want a girl, for purely selfish reasons. I wanted to dress her up in nice dresses and all that kind
of thing, but now I wouldn't change him for the world.
We didn't name him until three days later. Nothing struck us as a name we really wanted to give him for the rest of his life, and eventually we put a couple of names in a hat and let Hadyn pick one out. So Finlay it was.
After I had Hadyn, I got loads of flowers and cards, but I didn't get anything this time because none of the shops was open on New Year's Day. It was actually a bit depressing.
When I fell pregnant after about a
year of trying, Dave kept saying that he wanted our baby to be the very first of the new mwennium, but I was never really interested.
I wasn't even worried about being affected by the millennium bug, because I knew the hospitals weren't going to let it happen.
Finlay was on the front page of the local Echo, and we were all inside, so I've been a page three girl. Going down to town for the first time, I felt like we were animals in the zoo, but even now people ask how old he is. I think, "Don't you remember?", but I suppose he's not the centre of other people's lives."
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