Bird flu in Suffolk: actions to take
Tuesday, 20th November 2007.

To report dead wildfowl or other birds, call the DEFRA helpline on 08459 33 55 77.
If you see birds being moved, particularly at night, please take down the registration of the vehicle, details of their route and report it to the number below.
If you are a poultry keeper in Suffolk, you must house your poultry.
If you are directed by a veterinary inspector on welfare or other grounds to isolate your birds instead of housing them, you must make sure that you:
• ensure there is no contact with poultry or captive birds on other premises
• cover all food and water so there is no access for wild birds
• minimise contact with wild birds and use wild bird deterrents
• have stringent biosecurity controls in place
• check the welfare of your birds daily for signs of disease, and
• report any signs of disease to your vet immediately or to Animal Health at Bury St Edmunds on 01284 778150.
For information about the control zones and the latest news, please check the DEFRA website at or the Suffolk County Council website at:
Web Link: http://
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