Big Barry's hunt for a new home
Thursday, 2nd November 2000.

So his owners, who did not realise that he would get quite as large as he did, handed him over to a pound in Wales.
Now a Haverhill animal sanctuary have taken him in, as the alternative would have meant for Barry to be put down, and are now looking to find him a "good, loving and large home".
Barry was one of 12 abandoned animals who were given sanctuary at the Jay Beth Rescue Centre, in Bury St Edmunds Road, to save them from being destroyed.
Carol Outhwaite, the sanctuary's owner said: "He's a fantastic looking dog, but he's a big boy and will need to be in a large house.
"He's lovely with people and children. But not so good with other animals. So he will also need to be the only animal in the house."
Anyone who can give Barry a home should contact Ms Outhwaite at the Jay Beth Centre on (01440) 786612.
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