Beetlemania lies at heart of class drama
Thursday, 3rd May 2001.

The year 12 students, from Samuel Ward Upper School, Haverhill, are to put on a public performance of the play tomorrow, which will be examined as part of their AS- level drama course.
The play, which the actor and director Steven Berkoff based on a famous story by Kafka, tells of a young man who is bored with life and then wakes up one day to find he has turned into a gigantic beetle.
Karen Packwood, English and drama teacher at the school, said: "The students have put in so many hours for this production. They've been working through their lunch hours, coming in on Sundays and over the Easter holidays.
CAPTION: Bug eyed ... front centre, Chris Underwood and behind Simon Bolton; back from left, James Benham, Carly Blake, Gemma Harrison, Amanda Bitmead and Alexis Wood
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