Be Pink - Be Aware!
Thursday, 11th October 2007.

Abbeycroft Leisure is holding, ‘Pink’ exercise sessions to promote Breast Cancer Awareness Month (1st – 31st October) and raise money for Breast Cancer Care.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month first started in 1993 and since then, October has been awash with pink ribbons – the global symbol for breast awareness. These ribbons will be on sale in reception at Haverhill Leisure Centre throughout October.
Special ONE OFF PINK exercise classes will take place on Friday 26th October:
The class itself will be free, all we ask is that you where something pink and donate £2 for taking part in these classes. Instructors will also be in pink.
Haverhill Leisure Centre sessions for you to attend in PINK on Thursday 26th October are:
RPM class - 10.05am
Top 2 Toe class - 11.15am
Alison Bowyer, Acting Chief Executive of Abbeycroft Leisure, says:
“We want to get people in the local community talking about breast awareness and breast cancer. We want women to talk to their mums, their grans, their daughters and their friends about the risks of breast cancer – the more that people know, the more likely they are to spot the signs and early diagnosis is vital for surviving breast cancer.
“At Haverhill Leisure Centre, our aim is to encourage all women to be breast aware and highlight the 5-point code while raising money for Breast Cancer Care, which has been working for more than 30 years. We want to do this in a fun and active day that everyone will enjoy as well as donating to a well deserving charity. Anyone interested in coming along please book your session at:
Abbeycroft Leisure Haverhill Leisure Centre – 01440 702548. We hope to see you there."
For further information on Breast Cancer Awareness Month visit:
Web Link:
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