Bathroom baby bliss
Thursday, 7th September 2000.

Paramedic Dave Warner delivered 7lb Molley to mum Emma Whitehead, who was staying with her mother in Stradishall.
Emma, 20, and her partner Mark Ager, also 20, live at Claydon Close, Castle Camps. Emma started to have contractions at 2.30am and Mark phoned the hospital.
“They said Emma should wait a little longer, have a bath and a light breakfast,” he said. “So we did that and Emma said: ‘I’ll just go to the toilet and then we’ll go to the hospital’.
“The next thing she’s shouting for me and her mum.”
Emma said sbe was “gobsmacked” at how quickly her daughter arrived.
She said: “It all happened so quickly, Mark was talking to the hospital and they said not to push, but I had to, nature just took over.
“The paramedics were wonderful, they stayed with me to make sure I was all right afterwards.”
Paramedic Dave said: “We got in there, threw lots of towels on the floor and got Emma to lay down.”
“The midwife turned up and cut the cord and in the end the family stayed at home without having to go to hospital.”
(Picture Caption: A bit of a miracle... paramedic Dave Warner with baby Molley Ager and parents Mark Ager and Emma Whitehead.
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