Backing for new town centre traffic restrictions
Wednesday, 25th November 2009.

Haverhill Town Councillors last night (Tuesday) backed Suffolk County Council's new plans for banning traffic from Queen Street and High Street, and moving the Friday market.
The regulations will operate 10am-4pm Sunday to Thursday, and 6am-6pm Friday and Saturday in High Street. Beyond Quaker's Lane there will be a physical barrier to close off the street.
This will operate in Friday as well as Saturday to allow for the market to be moved there.
Exempt vehicles, such as those of people working in the first part of High Street, will enter from the Swan Lane end and exit via Quakers Lane and the Cleales Yard car park access road.
Cllr Lynn Burgess said she had some concerns about Quakers Lane, which she used most days.
"It's a dangerous road and you have to press yourself against a wall when cars rush past," she said.
Town clerk Gordon Mussett confirmed the wall was listed and could not be knocked down, but he said work would take place to make it safer.
"Plans are in hand to acquire land to make it safer for vehicles and pedestrians," he said.
The lower end of Camps Road is now included in the traffic ban, which will operate there and in Queen Street 10am-4pm Sunday to Friday and 6am-6pm Saturday.
There will be no exemptions to any of the new restrictions for loading, but there will be for funerals and weddings.
* Our picture shows the constricting walls of Quakers Lane.
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