Arresting fund raiser nets over £9,000
Wednesday, 9th December 2009.

But the likes of local headteacher Howard Lay and popular town council leisure manager Nick Keeble were released within hours, after securing their £500 'bail' in a special fund raiser for St Nicholas Hospice Care.
Already a successful hit in Bury St Edmunds, the hospice’s Jail And Bail event saw nine special offenders handcuffed and arrested at their place of work as shocked colleagues looked on.
The reprobates then had their fingerprints taken and posed for mug shots and remained in 'police custody' until they had raised at least £500 in bail money.
Hospice corporate fundraiser Abby Hunt said this morning’s event was a fantastic success, raising £9,250 for the charity.
Abby said: “The previous Jail And Bail in Bury was a great success and we are delighted with the generous response we have had from Haverhill.
“The nine ‘convicts’ all got into the spirit of things and there were a few shocked people looking on when they saw their colleagues being put into handcuffs with police sirens on.
“We would like to thank our event supporters, Sturmer Hall, which acted as the ‘jail’ as well providing refreshments.”
The community leaders who took part were: Richard Herbert, from the Herbert Group; Tom Harrison, Adams Harrison; Nick Keeble, Haverhill Arts Centre; Jo Deeks, Haverhill Weekly News; Howard Lay, Samuel Ward Arts and Technology College; Aimee Moore, Abbeycroft Leisure; Paul Wilden, Cineworld; Adrian Jones, Tesco; Terry McGerty, Printwise.
Mr Herbert won tickets for a forthcoming Manchester United football match after raising the top amount among the detainees – a total of £2,200.
* Our picture shows Samuel Ward head teacher Howard Lay resisting arrest.
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