Anti-smoking art project on display
Thursday, 16th November 2000.

Members of the town's Wednesday for Women Group, which has met on the Clements Estate for the past three years, spent five months making the display called "The Seven Ages of Smoking".
It now dominates the walls in the Leisure Centre and Town Mayor Coun Gerry Kiernan recently went along to see it and meet the women who created it.
With the help and experience of health and art professionals, the women looked at the effects of smoking from a variety of angles.
They used strong colours and images to promote the adverse effects of smoking on the unborn child and at all stages of life.
The Wednesday group was the idea of the Local Health Partnership NHS Trust and health visitor Ann Boyd.
She provides a range of activities from keep fit to coffee and conversation, plus talks on topics requested by the group.
She said: "The women were keen to take on the project and have surprised themselves with the skills they have discovered and the dramatic end result. The aim is to get everyone talking and, hopefully, thinking positively about giving up smoking."
Linda Pearce, a respiratory specialist nurse at West Suffolk Hospital, provided information about the hazards of smoking for the group.
Art direction was provided by co-ordinator June Muscroft, of community group Arts 604.
Eric Armstrong, manager of Haverhill Leisure Centre, made it possible for the project to reach a wider audience and Abbie Powell of West Suffolk Borders Primary Care Group acquired funding from Suffolk Health Authority and Glaxo Wellcome UK Ltd.
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