Ana Tells Of Baby Joy After Years Of Anguish
By Kate Loveys on Thursday, 5th May 2005.

Ana, 38, of Kings Meadow, Kedington, faced death during an ectopic pregnancy in 2000 and suffered three traumatic miscarriages - so baby Marc is extra special.
"I need to touch him to realise he exists and he's mine, I still can't believe it" said Ana.
"It was difficult to hold him at first because, psychologically, I was still thinking 'this is not real"
Ana, who teaches Spanish at local colleges, was on the brink of giving up her fight for a child in 2003 until she heard a snippet of a radio interview given by Janet Sackman from the miscarriage Association.
Janet was promoting an annual Remembrance Service for people affected by the death of a child - whether during pregnancy, at birth, during childhood or adulthood.
Following the service, Ana attended her support group.
It was here she received emotional and practical support, which encouraged her to keep trying for a child.
"I consider Janet to be my second mother" said Ana.
"She has been wonderful and without her, I wouldn't have my baby - she gave me the hope to carry on."
In fact, Janet was the first person to ask Ana if anyone had investigated why she had miscarried so many times.
Armed with the right information to obtain relevant tests, Ana and her husband, Alan finally received the support they needed.
The pregnancy was fraught with difficulties and Ana and her husband were in perpetual fear - but their story is now one of success.
Although Ana lost three pints of blood during the caesarean birth three months ago. she has now made a full recovery.
Ana will be attending this year's Remembrance Service. She said, "I really want to give thanks for the arrival of Marc and think of the babies I have lost. It is an incredibly moving service."
A quarter of all pregnancies end in miscarriage.
Janet, one of the organisers of the service, said: "For people who have had miscarriages and couldn't have a funeral, this may be their only opportunity to publicly remember their loss.
It can be very cathartic and it gives you the feeling that you are not alone."
The service will be held at 3pm on May 22 at the Wesley Church, Christ's Pieces, King's Street, Cambridge.
For further information on the service or on the Miscarriage Association, contact Janet on (01763) 249243
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