Alan's hi-tech cheque from Czech bike trip
Thursday, 6th July 2000.

Mr Pearson, 60, who lives at Ousden, completed the journey in just 14 days, 23 hours and 16 minutes, covering an average of around 60 miles a day.
His wife maggie flew to Prague to meet him and the couple then flew home together - in just two hours.
Mr Pearson retired in March as regional director of the Local Governmental Regional Transport organisation after 28 years.
He cycles every day and had previously ridden 650 miles across the Pyrenees and set out on his Prague or bust mission with no planned route or accomodation.
"I had always wanted to go to Prague and I thought if I was going to do it, it might just as well be for a good purpose rather than just to please myself.
"Castle Manor has a very committed group of people, but the budget has been very tight for some years, so I thought it would be nice to provide some extra funding.
"I met hundreds of people and they were very poor, but I had no trouble finding a place to stay," Mr Pearson said.
Mr Pearson's route took hime through France, along the border with Luxemburg and into Germany before reaching the Czech Republic.
One quarter of the money he raised will be used for projects determined by the School Council and the rest will go towards establishing a hi-tech area with more computers. Anyone wanting to make a donation can do so at the school or ring (01440) 705501.
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