Age Concern Day Care Awareness Month
Tuesday, 5th February 2008.

Since Age Concern was formed in 1948, many support services for older people have been set up in Suffolk one of which is Day Care which is an essential service for those who are frail and vulnerable and very often isolated within our community.
Age Concern Suffolk would like to offer people a chance to see the ‘difference a day centre makes’ at one of their OPEN DAYS at various Age Concern Day Care Centres in Suffolk ( local ones listed below) *Dementia Centres
Chilton Centre, SUDBURY * - Monday 11th February
Greenfields, HAVERHILL - Monday 18th February
Links/Oasis,BURY ST EDMUNDS Friday 29th February
Age Concern Suffolk know of many older people within the community, many of whom are frail, vulnerable and some with dementia who really benefit from a day out at one of these day care centres in Suffolk. Day Centres are a wonderful place to meet new friends, take part in some activities and enjoy entertainment. These centres have been running for many years and thousands of older people have attended and benefited over this time. It is a crucial preventative support service for older people and their carers and it is very important that this is widely known. Age Concern help older people to remain independent and in their own homes for longer thus decreasing the need for long term care in care homes and hospitals.
Maureen Hammond, Age Concern Suffolk County Day Care Services Manager said: “We are conscious that many older people value day care as a life line, particularly those who feel isolated. Day care is invaluable, especially as people become older and frailer.”
Two members who attend said: “I rely on the friendships I have built here. It is so stimulating and a home cooked meal makes all the difference” and “The best day of my week is when I come to my day centre. At home I’m in cotton wool; here I can be me and enjoy myself”.
The Open Days will be running at various venues from 10.30am – 2.30pm and anyone can come along and visit between these times. Refreshments will be available. Age Concern would like to encourage family carers, professionals, as well as anyone who is interested to see what takes place at the centres. There will be opportunites to meet up with the staff, volunteers and members who will be happy to chat. There will also be Information/Help Desks on other services in Suffolk.
"If you feel it might suit you and you would just like to come along to meet new friends and try new activities do come and meet us. We do provide many activities, one-to-one specialist care, entertainment, as well as a good healthy lunch and are open to new ideas."
For further details on each centre please contact Sherry Harrow, Day Services Administrator, Age Concern Suffolk, 8 Northgate Street, Ipswich IP1 3BZ on 01473 353525 or
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