Advice bureau continues to expand
By Martin Chapman on Thursday, 30th August 2001.

Enquiry figures continue to increase at the centre which is based at Swan Lane, with the latest showing an increase in enquires about employment, redundancy and discrimination.
Manager of the Haverhill CAB, Brigitte Haig said that although they were in the heart of the community they recognised that not providing advice for those who are housebound or who have mobility problems was a difficulty. The centre has now decided to extend its house call visits to people in Essex as well as Suffolk.
The centre has also taken the decision to promote it’s website as a first resort for people in need of advice, twenty-four hours a day.
She admitted: “it may not be a substitute for a human advisor but for many people it is a starting point.”
On Thursdays, between 5pm and 7pm, the bureau holds a session at the Cangle Junction for those people who have difficulty visiting during the bureaus opening hours. They are also available at the Leiston centre between 10am and noon on the first, third and fourth Wednesdays of every month. And now they are adding a session on the last two Wednesdays of every month at the Burton Centre between 12:15 pm and 2pm.
The bureau however is in need of more volunteers and advisors to cope with the continually increasing workload.
The bureau is open between 9.30 am and 2 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and can be contacted on 01440 704012.
Their website can be visited by clicking weblink.
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