Accountants step up charity fund raising
Thursday, 1st July 2010.

At the start of 2010 Paul Donno & Co Ltd committed to raising £10,000 for St Nicholas Hospice Care in memory of one of its clients, Denise Sheridan.
So far the company has raised £500, mainly through the sponsorship of accountant Michael Ford who took part in the Sudbury 5k Fun Run in April. Over the next few months the campaign steps up a gear with several large fund raising initiatives planned.
On July 7, Paul Donno & Co Ltd will hold a charity golf day at Haverhill Golf Club - this is a joint fund raising event with Gosfield School’s Ecuador Team.
The entrance fee for a team of four is £180, including coffee and a two-course evening meal. You can still enter a team, or enter as an individual, by contacting Louise Craig on 01787 281688.
There will be a number of opportunities throughout the day to take part in contests such as the longest drive, nearest the pin, double your money and a putting competition – all available at an additional cost.
A number of companies have already taken advantage of the sponsorship opportunities available, including Ark-IT, Clare Physiotherapy Clinic, Dixon Phillips Solicitors, FlipFlop Marketing, Haverhill Round Table, KAD Cars Ltd, Natalie’s Ironing Fairies, Paul Clark Printing, Printwise, Stylize Display Graphics and The Best of Haverhill.
The firm has also signed up to compete in the Towergate Accumulator Challenge. Last week the company, along with around 40 other businesses in West Suffolk, received £50 in cash from Paul Whittaker, chief executive of the Bury St Edmunds branch of Towergate Risk Solutions.
The challenge is to see who can raise the most money in aid of St Nicholas Hospice Care by noon on September 23. There will be a number of awards for the teams - most innovative idea, most dedication and effort and outstanding teamwork.
The team at Paul Donno & Co are already busy planning their Accumulator Challenge strategy.
Practice manager Louise Craig said: “As a company I think we are quite competitive and although we may be a lot smaller than some of the companies taking part we are still out to win the challenge!
"Ideas so far include organising a balloon race as part of the Glemsford Festival, which takes place in July, and setting up a company Ebay account to sell unwanted books, DVDs, CDS and anything that is in good condition and will generate funds for this worthy cause.
"We are also planning to hold a casino evening in August, and we do have some other ideas but obviously don’t want to give away all of our secrets!”
Mr Donno himself will be taking part in his second London Triathlon on August 7, which involves a 750-metre swim, 20-kilometre bike ride and five-kilometre run, so is a little more challenging than a stroll around the golf course.
On September 18, the ladies from Paul Donno & Co Ltd will take part in the St Nicholas Hospice Care second annual Girls Night Out. This is an 11.2-mile moonlit walk around Bury St Edmunds – nightwear is optional!
“We are trying to offer a broad range of fund raising activities, something for everyone. The more people who get involved the easier it is going to be to meet our goal of £10,000 by the end of the year,” said Mr Donno.
“Apart from the events and sporting challenges we are also offering free credit checks for clients and passport application signing for existing clients, who have been with the company for three years or more, in return for a donation to the fund.”
If you would like to find out more about the events that are being organised, take part in an event or have ideas for an event please contact Louise Craig on 01787 281688, visit the website: or visit to make a donation.
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