A Close Shave For Max
Thursday, 12th January 2006.

The two-year-old has undergone weeks of chemotherapy, losing all his hair, since he was diagnosed in October. He is now preparing for a second course.
Now, Hannah Rice, a cousin of Max's mum, is planning to swap her locks for a close shave to raise money for leukaemia research.
Joanna, Max's mum, of Spindle Road, Haverhill, said: "It is not just for Max, it is for other children as well. He has had a tough time, but years ago he would have been dead if it was not for Leukaemia Research.
"It is typical of Hannah, she is that sort of person. It will be great for Max to have someone as bald as him."
Hannah, 26, said her whole family was touched by Max's illness. She has already set up a website with £830 worth of donation promises and hopes to attract much more.
Her own sons Corey, six and two-year-old Owen, as well as partner Paul Tyler, will be at the family home at Chalkstone Way, Haverhill, to see Hannah's hair disapear on Saturday.
She said: "Max is really brave, everyone loves him. He is really well known in the town. You see him and he gives you the biggest smile and it just melts your heart."
On-line donations can be made at the website: www.justgiving.com/hannarice
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