“Policies and Procedures Prevent Problems”
By Elaine Carr on Tuesday, 3rd October 2006.

David Passfield from Peninsula Business Services Ltd captured everyone’s attention from the outset with his fast moving and interactive style. He explained to a cross section of Haverhill businesses just how important it is to develop relationships with staff and the consequences that can arise by neglecting to make that investment. The secret to avoiding problems was to subscribe to best practice – to have clear policies and procedures in place to deal with all aspects of employment, starting with the recruitment and selection process.
David also spoke about the scope of the Age Discrimination Legislation that will be implemented from 1st October 2006, he advised the audience that this would be the biggest upheaval in employment law for thirty years. The implications of the legislation would be far reaching; employers should be aware that the burden of proof would lie with them and that there would be no upper limit on the compensation that could be awarded to an employee.
Paul Donno, Chairman of the Haverhill Chamber, commented, “Employment legislation is a minefield. Peninsula receive 8,000 calls a week into their advice team which just goes to show that it is an issue that troubles a lot of companies. David made a potentially boring topic fascinating; I think he left a lot of us in stunned silence as the consequences of the new legislation hit home”.
If you need any help or guidance on this matter please visit the Chamber website www.haverhillchamber.co.uk for information on how to contact Peninsula.
The next Haverhill Chamber of Commerce event will take place on Thursday 19th October, 6pm at Haverhill Golf Club. You are invited to join us for a varied evening that will include a talk from John Dugmore, Chief Executive of Suffolk Chamber on the benefits of chamber membership; a presentation by FlipFlop Marketing on the Haverhill Marketing Strategy and a chocolate tasting under the direction of Julie Haylock-Sherry of The Chocolate Lady, Steeple Bumpstead.
This is a free event but places are limited. To make your reservation please contact Elaine Carr by Monday 9th October 2006, email: events@haverhillchamber.co.uk, or call 01440 710158.
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