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£100 shopping vouchers to be won in town centre survey

Thursday, 16th September 2010.

There's £100 worth of shopping vouchers which can be won if you take part in the latest survey about the usage of Haverhill town centre.

Launching the survey, Haverhill town centre manager Tina Hanks told businesses at the monthly Best of Haverhill meeting today that retailers wanted a snapshot of how and why the trown centre was used by people - or not, as the case may be.

The survey form is short and easy to fill in and available from puiblic places like thge Arts Centre, the library and the council offices, as well as the premises of the businesses who are partners in the project.

Tina explained that she had approached Tesco when they arrived in town to ask if their wide experience could be drawn on to provide some hints and tips for local businesses with regard to marketing.

Tesco said they were keen to put somnething back for the benefit of the town to thank the community for thw welcome they had received.

Through Tesco Tina was put in touch with a professor at the Kent Business School who has done work with several major individu7al retailers, but was interested in a project on behalf of a group of retailers, which he had not done before.

Dr Andrew Fearne, professor of food marketing and supply chain management at Kent Business School has begun working with Tina and a partnership of retailers and public sector agencies in Haverhill.

They will design their own programme of development, specifically fitted for the town and its businesses, but first they wanted a snapshot of current use of the town centre.

The partners are Clarks, Specialised Print, Amanda Julia Couture, Sonias, C & B Beatiful, Tony Strowger, The Gallery, Kwik Service, M J Pipe, Access Control, the chamber of commerce, the Best of Haverhill, Castle Manor and Samuel Ward colleges and Menta, and now they have been joined by Abbeycroft Leisure and the Jobcentre.

Tina explained they were very ambitioiusly aiming for a ten per cent return of the surveys, helped by the commtment of schools to get pupils to fill them in.

She encouraged businesses to distribute them among employees and use their own databases to spread them wide.

The closing date for the survey is November 30 and they will be rigorously analysed in the new year, hopefully by an undergraduate under the direction of the the professor.

The partnership will then discuss the findings and work out the next stage in the programme.

If you want to take part in the survey, you can pick up a form from any of the places mentioned or go on-line via St Edmundsbury Borough Council's website at http://www.stedmundsbury.gov.uk/sebc/visit/HaverhillShopperSurvey.cfm

The survey is confidential under the Data Protection Act, but one lucky person who filled in a form will be identified as the winner of the £100 of shopping vouchers prize in the draw.

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