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Haverhill Healthcheck Flyer  

The Haverhill Healthcheck is designed to get people from the town and surrounding areas involved in identifying what is needed over the next 10-15 years to make this a better place in which to live and work.

What has been done so far:

  • Research on-street, in schools and local businesses to get an idea of what people want to see being done
  • Community group meetings
  • Four theme groups formed – economy, social and community, transport, environment
  • 54 improvement projects identified. There are some examples in this leaflet but to view them all, visit www.haverhill-uk.com
What's next?

We are developing an Action Plan to:

  • Raise Haverhill’s profile to make it easier to attract funding
  • Market the town in a positive and forward looking way to attract people and businesses here
  • Further the growth and development of the Haverhill area
This gives a brief overview of the Action Plan so far but if you feel we have missed anything out either fill in the form at the back or log on to the Haverhill website and respond there. It’s your town so make your opinions count.
Improvement projects identified
Local Economy

To attract higher paid jobs and so improve the living standards and economic security of the town and its hinterland.

To meet the needs of individuals and small groups wishing to set up businesses and help them by improving the level of available grants.

To develop Haverhill shopping centre so it offers a wider range and choice of products and services provided by independent specialists and selected national chains.

To create more learning opportunities enabling young people to pursue careers of their choice.

To attract visitors to the town by promoting what is available within Haverhill and its hinterland.

Social & Community

To provide a first class health care service, possibly based at a central location and out of which mobile services could operate.

To provide conferencing, restaurant and accommodation facilities to encourage employment, business and tourism in and around the town.

To further enhance and promote art and cultural facilities in and around Haverhill by extending the existing arts centre.

To provide more sheltered accommodation for people with physical and learning disabilities.
What we hope.....

As you will appreciate, with over 50 projects identified, there is enough to keep everyone busy long into the future, but the Healthcheck isn’t just about how to improve the town in the years to come. We want to start now, so here is what we think is realistically achievable in the near future…

  • Improve the recreation ground by adding more flower beds, benches, a better play area and football pitch.
  • Provide a meeting place for young people.
  • Attract more visitors by increasing the promotion of the fetes, concerts and events held in Haverhill.
  • Show more up-to-date films in the arts centre to encourage more people to use it.
  • Improve poorly lit areas.
  • Provide a better bus service making it more efficient.
to achieve...
  • Make information on the bus service easier to access.
  • Keep Haverhill cleaner by employing more cleaners at weekends because of litter left from the market and evening take-aways.
  • Have a map of the town displayed on the town square and visitor information points.
  • Encourage more community events and concerts.
  • Provide more computers in the library with Internet access.
  • Appoint a local business advice officer to assist business development.
  • Control the odour from the sewage treatment plant.
  • Improve the town’s image.
Improvement Projects Identified


To develop the facilities for pushchair users, people who are disabled and the wider community in the West Town Park area.

To bring the community together by providing a multi-purpose building located on the Parkway Estate.

To identify and improve open areas which can be cleaned up, in order to transform them into wildlife reserves and family picnic areas.

To complete the footpath and cycle way alongside the old railway and encourage walkers to use the area.

Transport & Accessibility

To ensure that the town centre is easily accessible on foot and by cycle.

To provide a faster and more regular bus service to Cambridge.

To encourage an early completion of the northern bypass to relieve congestion from Cangle junction.

To provide easy to use and reasonably priced car parking for Haverhill users.

To provide a safe environment for pedestrians in the town centre.

To help visitors find their way in and around Haverhill and the area by improving road signs and introducing visitor information points.

To view a list of all Project Appraisals for Haverhill, click the icon below:-


Now Tell Us What You Think!!
A lot of work and consultation has gone into the Healthcheck process, but not everyone will have had their say, and this leaflet can only provide the ‘edited highlights’. View the full list of projects on www.haverhill-uk.com (If you don’t have a computer at home you can access the internet at your local library.) You have a golden opportunity to identify any aspects of Haverhill and the area around it that you feel has been overlooked, whether it relates to economics, social and community, transport or environment issues - nothing is ‘off limits’.

The above has been taken from the Haverhill Health Check Flyer. To download please click the icon below:-


For more information or if you can help in any way, please contact the organiser by clicking here: